The Style Guide of Eagle Eye Intelligence is a product intended to assist students of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s (ERAU) College of Business, Security and Intelligence (CBSI). Specifically, this document aims to serve as a reference for members of Eagle Eye Intelligence (EE) and students in the COM 223 and SIS 328 courses. This manual holds a comprehensive guide to writing intelligence products based on EE’s guideline.

Follow the guidelines in this document when you write intelligence products for EE, COM 223, and SIS 328. This keeps intelligence products consistent, clear, and concise so as to efficiently and effectively convey the message of your writing to decisionmakers – likely Professor Avery or EE’s Editing Board.

Members of EE’s Fall 2020 Executive Team developed this manual as an evolution of EE’s previous style guides with additional guidance derived from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Style Manual & Writers Guide for Intelligence Publications, Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, as well as Randolph H. and Katherine H. Pherson’s Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence.

CBSI students should follow this in conjunction with the above-mentioned manuals and books as well as Randolph H. Pherson and Richards J. Heuer’s Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis. The CIA’s manual can be accessed for free online and the other books are typically required for some CBSI coursework. Be sure to follow your professor’s guidelines for coursework if there is a discrepancy.