Eagle Eye 427

Download RUSSIA: Enforced Symbiotic Relationship Will Likely Protect Against Global Retribution Summary: Informal meetings between Moscow and Beijing deepened country relations, likely sending a message to other countries of increased support in response to war crime accusations. Development: On 20 March, Russian President Vladimir Putin played host to Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin. … Continue reading Eagle Eye 427

Eagle Eye 362

EE-362Download NORTHEAST AFRICA: Dam Construction May Shift Power in Nile River Basin Summary: Ethiopia may surpass Egypt as the regional hegemon upon completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Cairo and Khartoum will almost certainly continue to oppose the GERD because of water shortage anxieties and mounting fears of a rising Ethiopian power. Beijing’s … Continue reading Eagle Eye 362

Eagle Eye 346

EE-346Download SYRIA: Aggressive Turkish Operations Will Likely Exacerbate Territorial Conflict          Summary: The Republic of Turkey will likely sustain military operations in northern Syria, aggravating territorial conflicts in northeastern Syria, weakening the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), reinvigorating the Islamic State insurgency, and emboldening Russian and Iranian mediation of power in the broader Middle East. Enduring … Continue reading Eagle Eye 346