Eagle Eye 376

DOWNLOAD EGYPT: Cairo Likely to Use All Options to Counter Ethiopian Nile Dam   Summary: Since the start of the year, talks between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) have broken down, while the occurrence of alleged Egyptian-backed proxy conflict has increased at the Sudanese-Ethiopian border.  Recently, Cairo has taken … Continue reading Eagle Eye 376

EE 372

DOWNLOAD SUDAN: Tensions with Ethiopia Likely to Escalate over Grand Renaissance Dam Summary: Tensions between Sudan and Ethiopia will likely increase as talks regarding the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GRD) break down. Development: On 6 February, Sudan’s Irrigation Minister Yasser Abbas warned Addis Ababa that any step to fill the GRD, located on the Blue … Continue reading EE 372

Eagle Eye 362

EE-362Download NORTHEAST AFRICA: Dam Construction May Shift Power in Nile River Basin Summary: Ethiopia may surpass Egypt as the regional hegemon upon completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Cairo and Khartoum will almost certainly continue to oppose the GERD because of water shortage anxieties and mounting fears of a rising Ethiopian power. Beijing’s … Continue reading Eagle Eye 362