Eagle Eye 366

EE-366Download IVORY COAST: Incumbent President’s Removal Unlikely Despite Tensions Summary: Incumbent President Alassane Ouattara will likely hold a third term despite calls for his removal. Current opposition tactics will almost certainly fail due to ineffective protests, the country’s economic growth under Ouattara, and support for his presidency from military and other governmental institutions. Electoral Tensions: … Continue reading Eagle Eye 366

Eagle Eye 363

EE-363-1Download TAIWAN: Chinese Militarization Will Almost Certainly Raise Tensions, Prompt Conflict Summary: Due to its militarization, a growing independence movement, and likely increase in support from regional allies, China will probably view Taiwan as a growing issue and take diplomatic or military action to quell dissent.  Longstanding Tensions: Beijing strongly maintains the “One China Principle,” … Continue reading Eagle Eye 363

Eagle Eye 361

EE-361Download LEBANON: Reform Delays May Deteriorate Governance, Enable Hezbollah Summary: Delays in reforming and reinstating the Lebanese government will almost certainly undermine governance and may facilitate Hezbollah’s pursuits of domestic political control. Unrest continues as Lebanon struggles to recover from the Beirut explosion, cabinet resignation, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The international community seeks to aid … Continue reading Eagle Eye 361

Eagle Eye 358

EE-358Download ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN: Border Clashes May Add to Economic Strife, Ethnic Tensions Summary: Ankara and European governments will probably cultivate influence in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as it endangers the South Caucasus Pipeline System. Continued violence along the Line of Contact (LOC) in the Nagorno-Karabakh region will probably stir ethnic tensions in Armenia and Azerbaijan. The conflict … Continue reading Eagle Eye 358

Eagle Eye 353

EE-353Download HEZBOLLAH: Political, Financial Turmoil Will Likely Refocus Operations Domestically Summary: The Lebanese Hezbollah will likely refocus towards resolving domestic issues and reduce its operational capabilities abroad as a result of changing Iranian military leadership and growing political volatility in Lebanon. Hezbollah may also direct foreign operations towards developing its connection with criminal enterprises in … Continue reading Eagle Eye 353

Eagle Eye 349

EE-349Download IRAN: Political Sentiment, Economic Contraction Likely to Weaken Regional Influence Summary: The Islamic Republic of Iran will likely lose aspects of its substate proxy operations despite attempts to bolster support of Kata'ib Hezbollah in Iraq and Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon as internal political condemnation and foreign pressure restrict flexibility and capabilities. Reduction in … Continue reading Eagle Eye 349