CHINA: Relations with Vietnam Likely to Decrease

Summary: Beijing’s reaction to recent developments between Hanoi and Washington likely means that Beijing’s relationship with Hanoi will deteriorate.

Development: On 10 September, Beijing reacted to renewed dialogue between Washington and Hanoi. Beijing does not favor the newly found relationship as it believes it could lose business deals with the nations, particularly in semiconductor fields, an area it holds heavy influence in, according to Reuters. President Xi Jinping plans to visit Hanoi next week to discuss maintaining relations and strengthening business, according to Reuters. Despite Xi’s planned visit, Hanoi seeks collaboration with Washington to access its diverse supply chain, according to CNN.  

Analysis: The current encounters between Hanoi and Washington may indicate rocky relations with Beijing. If the discussed ambitions continue forward, Hanoi potentially will seek stronger relations with Washington instead of Beijing. Hanoi and Washington collaborating on such advancements may also place economic and military pressure on Beijing.

[Tatum Leyvas]

HONDURAS: New Mosquitos Likely to Reduce Spread of Dengue Fever

Summary: In the capital city neighborhood of El Manchén, specialized mosquitoes bred with Wolbachia bacteria will likely reduce the spread of Dengue.

Development: On 13 September, Tegucigalpa scientists and Doctors Without Borders (MSF) officially started its Arbovirus Prevention Program trial run in El Manchén. MSF partner, The World Mosquito Program, breeds mosquitos infected with Wolbachia to reduce the impact of Dengue Fever. Wolbachia, a bacterium that naturally occurs in insects and prevents reproduction, competes with viruses like Dengue, decreasing the odds of Dengue spreading to people. Wolbachia shows no habitation in humans after mosquito bites. The World Mosquito Program also used Wolbachia mosquitos in Asia and Africa with varying levels of success. Indonesia saw a 76% decrease in Dengue, with a trial size of almost 2 million people. The three-year trial will cost $900,000 or $10 per person, covering the 87,000 people living in El Manchén.

Analysis: The use of Wolbachia-mosquitos in El Manchén will likely reduce the infection rate of Dengue. The trial may see a greater decrease in Dengue compared to trials in Indonesia, due to the differences in trial sample sizes. El Manchén possibly will continue to use Wolbachia mosquitoes despite the cost because of the threat that Dengue poses. Tegucigalpa may receive aid from MSF and other health organizations. The World Mosquito Program almost certainly will use its mosquitoes in different countries after the trial concludes, especially since El Manchén will almost certainly face less of a mosquito health burden with the reduction of Dengue.

[Sebastien Bragg]

CHINA: Strategic Talks with Russia Likely to Attain Global Dominance

Summary: Following Beijing’s meeting with Moscow, Beijing will likely amplify economic and political plans to gain global preeminence. Alliances with surrounding nations will almost certainly influence Beijing to initiate greater operations against opposing nations.

Development: On 18 September, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss strategic cooperation. The meeting followed Wang’s recent discussion on security, technology, and trade with the United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, according to NBC News. Wang discussed with Lavrov efforts to counteract the perceived domination peering from the West, according to AP News. The meeting between Wang and Sergey involved strategic security plans against opposing regions such as the West, according to NBC News. Beijing and Moscow both simultaneously seek support for an attempt to reshape the global economic order by expanding the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) partnership.

Analysis: Beijing’s meeting with Moscow likely established plans to increase its economic and political leverage internationally. Beijing’s recent meeting with Washington likely led Beijing to seek enhanced cooperation on security operations with Moscow. Beijing and Moscow likely intend to counter a perceived expansion of Western global dominance. Therefore, the partnership will almost certainly continue to alter international economic relations through the union of BRICS. The union of BRICS will likely amplify support for Beijing and Moscow to lead in the upcoming pursuit of offensive operations such as creating economic instability in opposing regions. Current and upcoming meetings between Beijing and Moscow will most likely involve plans to counteract regional strategies within trade, technological improvements, security operations, and other supporting relations.

[Lauren Estrada]